The present guideline has been developed to support healthcare professionals in the diagnosis and management of patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The conditions of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non-ST-elevation ACS (NSTE-ACS) have been covered separately in previous European Guidelines. For the first time, the present guideline presents recommendations for management of patients across the entire spectrum of ACS in one document. The previous guidelines on STEMI were published in 2017 and the previous guidelines on NSTE-ACS were published in 2020. There have been numerous developments in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with ACS in the intervening years, which are reflected in this up-to-date guideline. The current guideline provides a comprehensive overview of the management of patients presenting with ACS, from the point of diagnosis and risk stratification at initial presentation, through to longterm management after the initial hospitalisation period. Particular focus is given to the importance of anti-thrombotic therapy, invasive assessment and revascularisation. This guideline also highlights the importance of providing patient-centred care throughout the patient's ACS journey.
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