Checklist: Signing a site agreement

This checklist is for people who are thinking about signing a Part 4A site agreement to live in a residential park or village. Part 4A site agreements are for people who live in a residential park, own a moveable dwelling and rent the site the dwelling is on. A residential park might be a caravan park or lifestyle village. A moveable dwelling might be a pre-fab home or cabin. Site agreements cover the land that is being rented for the home.

Site agreements are legal contracts. They must be in writing. If you previously had a verbal agreement with the park operator, make sure your written agreement has the same terms.

For more information on your rights and responsibilities under a site agreement:

This checklist is not a substitute for independent legal advice.

Before you sign a site agreement

Site agreements must be in writing. If you previously had a verbal agreement with the park operator, make sure your written agreement has the same terms.

Check the site agreement

A site agreement must clearly state: